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文章来源:用户投稿作者:海西手游网发布时间:2023-07-15 12:40:01

Widowmaker: A Guide to Optimal Itemization in League of Legends


In League of Legends, Widowmaker is a champion who excels at long-range poke and crowd control. To maximize her effectiveness on the battlefield, it is crucial to select the right items for her. In this guide, we will explore the optimal item builds for Widowmaker, enabling you to dominate your enemies and carry your team to victory.

Early Game (Levels 1-6):

During the early game, focus on building core items that enhance Widowmaker's abilities. Start with a Doran's Ring for increased ability power and mana regeneration. This will provide you with the sustain necessary to harass your opponent and farm effectively. Follow this up with Hextech Alternator for additional magic penetration and ability power. The added damage and burst potential will make you a threat in lane.

Mid Game (Levels 7-11):

As the game progresses, it's essential to adapt your itemization to match the evolving needs of the match. Once you have completed Hextech Alternator, build Rylai's Crystal Scepter. The bonus health, ability power, and the slow effect from your abilities will greatly improve your survivability and utility in team fights. Additionally, consider purchasing a Seeker's Armguard if you are facing an AD-heavy opponent mid-lane.

Late Game (Levels 12+):

In the late game, Widowmaker's itemization should focus on amplifying her damage potential and providing utility to her team. Upgrade Hextech Alternator into Everfrost to gain a powerful active ability that can root multiple enemies, allowing for easy follow-up kills. Pair this with Liandry's Anguish for increased ability power, magic penetration, and burn damage.

Situational Items:

While the core item build for Widowmaker remains consistent, there are a few situational items worth considering depending on the game's circumstances. If you find yourself against a team with heavy crowd control, build a Banshee's Veil to mitigate incoming CC and protect yourself from deadly engagements. Alternatively, Morellonomicon is an excellent choice when facing champions with significant healing abilities, as it applies grievous wounds to reduce their effectiveness.


Mastering Widowmaker requires a deep understanding of her strengths and weaknesses, as well as optimal itemization. By following this guide and building core items such as Hextech Alternator, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, and Everfrost, you will maximize your damage potential and utility on the battlefield. Remember to adapt your build based on the game's circumstances and choose situational items wisely. With the right items and strategy, you will become an unstoppable force as Widowmaker in League of Legends.

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